Siddhant Mehandru

Siddhant Mehandru

Siddhant is a data analytics professional and runs a consulting agency that specialises in providing end-to-end data services under one roof. His firm primarily works with digital marketing agencies and provides marketing analytics and insights services. Before this, he worked at JPMorgan Chase as a business analyst and graduated from the one of the top engineering colleges in India. Outside of work, he’s a hardcore audiophile, loves playing golf and is a licensed scuba diver.
Financial Analytics: Managing Risk and Maximizing Returns

Financial Analytics: Managing Risk and Maximizing Returns

Risk management and return maximization are critical for individuals, enterprises, and organizations alike in the complex and unstable financial world of today. With its data-driven strategies and insights, financial analytics has become a potent instrument for achieving these objectives.

The Future of Analytics

The Future of Analytics: Trends to Watch Out For

Although data has always been a critical component of business, as digital technologies have advanced, so too has the amount of data that companies now generate and store. In this case, business data analysis can be helpful.

The Power of Predictive Analytics in Forecasting Business Trends

The Power of Predictive Analytics in Forecasting Business Trends

Predictive analytics makes forecasts about the course of events or trends by using historical data, machine learning algorithms, and statistical methods. It entails looking for trends, connections, and patterns in considerable datasets to predict what is most likely to occur in the future.

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